Third Stretch Goal, Bam!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 01:54:33 PM
My darling Book Wyrms,
That's yet another stretch goal you've shredded! Wild! Now every backer will receive a holographic vinyl sticker designed by the wonderful Letters & Lines.

Our next stretch goal is something I am so so excited about offering- Anthology D20s! They are massive- 40mm d20s with the same book fragments as the rest of the book wyrms sets (just so so many more). Unlike the other stretch goals, this is an add-on- it works a little differently.

Once we (hopefully) unlock it, you'll be able to either switch your tier to the Anthology D20 only tier or add $45 to your existing pledge. In your backerkit survey post-campaign, you'll also be able to add extra sets and Anthology D20s if you prefer to do so then.
Thank you guys from your incredible support so far- I can't believe we're only two days into the campaign and we've come so far! At this rate, I'll have to unveil the higher (100k +) stretch goals I have planned- if there's anything you'd like to see, please let me know in the comments. If we run through the rest of them, your suggestion might just get added.
Love and Dice,