
Book Wyrm Dice

Created by the evergreen burrow

A Dice Hoard Stacked with Stories

Latest Updates from Our Project:

November Update! Surveys going out, Enamel Pin Surprise, Updated Timeline!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 08:15:12 AM

Hello dice friends!

I have set up our backerkit surveys and am awaiting approval- hopefully those will be sent out by the end of the week and we can get this show rolling. I do have one very fun announcement! Even though we did not unlock the book wyrm enamel pin, I have decided to fund the production anyways sooooo-

Book Wyrm Enamel Pins will be available as an add on option!

Book Wyrm Enamel Pin Mockup

They're adorable, and designed by our friend Mittie Paul (@mittieart on twitter). Once I have more detailed info on those, I'll be sharing updates here!

Here's where we are in the timeline:

November- Surveys sent out

December 31st- Surveys due! <- THIS IS IMPORTANT

December/January- Orders placed, production begins

Jan 2023- April/May 2023- Dice production

June 2023- Shipping from the factory to our studio

July 2023- Quality Control, assembling packages

August 2023- Fulfillment

You can expect the next update in mid-December (with a little holiday surprise)! I will try to balance updates versus flooding your inbox- when I have news, I promise I will share.

Thank you again so so much for your support, and be on the lookout for your email surveys in the next week!

Love and Dice,


almost 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 03:53:20 PM

Hello my lovely Book Wyrms!

We did it- more than a thousand of y'all decided to help us bring this project to life and I am so very happy!

Here's our next steps timeline:

10/15- Kickstarter ends and collects funds, our team starts prepping book pages

Beginning of November- Kickstarter disburses funds to me

Second Week of November (or sooner, or later, depending on above timing)- Backerkit surveys sent out

It is super important that y'all complete your surveys as soon as possible! I can't place orders until I have the bulk of the surveys back.

December- Orders placed, production begins


Tentative future timeline:

Jan 2023- April/May 2023- Dice production

June 2023- Shipping from the factory to our studio

July 2023- Quality Control, assembling packages

August 2023- Fulfillment


Thank you all so much, once again, for helping this project be a success! You'll be hearing from me as we progress through the timeline; I try to balance giving information with not flooding your inbox! 

Love and Dice,


Stretch Goal Unlocked! 8d6 Sets! New stretch goal announced!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 03:15:16 PM

My darling Book Wyrms,

We did it! All initial stretch goals have been UNLOCKED! You'll be able to choose between 8d6 and 7 piece polyhedral dice sets, and add any d6s you so choose in the Backerkit survey post-campaign.

I have one last stretch goal for you, my dice dragons- and it's a good one. At $70K, we will unlock this enamel pin, designed by Mittie Paul (@MittieArt). They are known for their fantastical creature illustrations and comics, and I love what they've done for our Book Wyrm!

Design subject to small changes during production

We are coming to the end of our crowdfunding journey, and I am so so grateful to each and every one of you for your help and support in bringing this project to life.

Love and Dice,


55k Stretch Goal Unlocked!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 12:44:10 AM

My darling Book Wyrms! 

Bookmarks are unlocked- Let the reading commence!

Our next stretch goal is within reach- at $60,000 raised, we unlock the option for 8d6 sets! This will also unlock single d6s in the add-on survey, so you can build your own extended sets if you'd like.

Keep sharing and telling your friends- I can't wait to see how many Wyrms we can get into our library <3

Love and Dice,


Anthology D20 UNLOCKED!!!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 12:47:16 PM

My darling Book Wyrms,

You've done it! The Anthology D20 has been unlocked, and I couldn't be more proud. These dice are so so cool, and I'm so glad we can bring them to life together!

Since we are through 4 of 6 stretch goals, I am working on just a few more to reach for- we still have 23 whole days to go! Our next two announced stretch goals are the Book Wyrm Bookmark (perfect for holding your place in the PHB) and the option for 8d6 sets instead of just polyhedral sets. 

Our next stretch goal after those two ( at $75,000) will be an incredible enamel pin designed by our friend Mittie Paul (@MittieArt)! I won't put this in the main story page until we have a final design but here's some preliminary sketches to get y'all excited:

Preliminary sketches- final pin may vary slightly, and will be one of or a synthesis of these designs

One of the best things about making a project like this is the ability to work with my fellow artists and friends! I've had the absolute joy of working with Blulious on our Book Wyrm box lettering and design, Engine 25 Productions on our photography, and Judy Black on our D&D One Shot! Jess of Letters and Lines designed our Book Wyrm sticker- which will be produced by another set of artist friends at Inkling Printing Co. 

Your support means I get to support others, and that is the most incredible gift y'all could have given me! I appreciate this more than you could possibly know, and I'm just so grateful we can all come together to make something so very cool.

Love and Dice,
