
Book Wyrm Dice

Created by the evergreen burrow

A Dice Hoard Stacked with Stories

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Book Wyrm One Shot! Fulfillment! Gen Con!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 11:35:11 AM

Hello my dicey darlings!

You should all have an email in your inbox with a link to download the wonderful one shot by Judy Black- the playtest was absolutely a page-turning good time and I hope you enjoy it. If you have trouble with the download, please let Backerkit support know, or reach out to me and we will get you sorted.

Shipping has officially started! Boxes are going out starting tomorrow, so keep an eye on your emails for tracking numbers and delivery info. My goal is to have everything in the mail before we leave for Gen Con (the first week of August).

GEN CON! We will be at our favorite gaming con at booth 1551- please stop by and see us. Both Mr. Evergreen and I are so excited to meet some of y'all for the first time (and others for the multiple times!), so if you have a minute we would love to thank you in person for your support of this project! Look for the obnoxious black and gold displays (and the most joyful dice) <3

Love and Dice,


about 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 08:05:39 AM


Short version- dice have arrived in the studio, so I am locking addresses JUNE 19TH. Cards will be charged for shipping on June 20th, so make sure that information is also correct.


To do that, you can either log into your Backerkit account, or visit and enter the email address you pledged with.

Long Version-

I received word that the dice were finished and shipped on May 25th! They spent some time circling the globe, and then were stuck in customs for the last week- which was very nervewracking, but they all appeared at the studio yesterday afternoon! 28 big beautiful boxes of book-wyrmie-goodness are here and now it's time for the fun part- fulfilment.


This week and next we will be doing quality control, preparing for fulfilment and making sure everything is ready to ship. We will start fulfilment in early July, with the goal of having all packages out by August. 

IF YOU HAVE NOT SUBMITTED YOUR SURVEY, DO THAT NOW. Again, that link is There are 55 of you out there- please don't make me chase you to give you your stuff!

Thanks again for coming with us on this journey! I'll keep updating as things keep happening- if any of you will be at Gen Con or Dragoncon, please stop by the booth to say hi!

Love and Dice,


May Update!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 09, 2023 at 03:51:54 PM

Hi hello hey there!

Just a short little update for you, my darling bookwyrms:

I have been chatting with our incredible one-shot writer Judy Black (@judyblackcloud on twitter) and she is making page-flipping, library filling, dragon hoarding progress on our digital one-shot reward! I expect to see edits soon and get it out to y'all in the next month or two.

Our dice production continues at a steady pace, and we are right on schedule!

Here's where we are in the timeline:

Here's where we are in the timeline:

Jan 2023- May 2023- Dice production <-WE ARE HERE

June 2023- Shipping from the factory to our studio

July 2023- Quality Control, assembling packages

August 2023- Fulfillment

I will continue you keep y'all updated- we are almost to the fun and exciting part (having the dice in your very own libraries)!

Love and Dice,


March Update!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 10:10:09 AM

Hello my dicey bookish folks!

Just a quick update for y'all- the dice are in production, pins are ordered, and stickers have arrived! Here is the most updated version of the pin, designed by the lovely Mittie Paul (@MittieArt):

Book Wyrm Pin (final version)

Isn't he cute?!?!

Dice are in production- we sent literally 1000+ pages, sealed and scrolled to the manufacturer, and they have been very dilligent and communicative through this process.

That's a lot of book wyrm goodness!

We are still very much on track to fulfill on schedule- I will keep y'all updated as there are new developments.

Here's where we are in the timeline:

Jan 2023- May 2023- Dice production <-WE ARE HERE

June 2023- Shipping from the factory to our studio

July 2023- Quality Control, assembling packages

August 2023- Fulfillment

Thanks again, as always, for your support of this project- y'all help make my dicey dreams come true!

Love and dice,


December Update!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 09:57:29 PM

Hello my winter dicey loves,

I don't know about y'all, but it is a brisk, frozen morning here in Atlanta! I have just a few things to update you on, and then we can all get back to our blankets and space heaters.

First! I have made a little holiday card for y'all to download if you are giving the Book Wyrm Dice as a gift for the holidays- it's being emailed to you to download through Backerkit, so you'll have a little something to put under the tree (if that's your holiday of choice). You'll receive an email, or you can log into your backerkit account and go to the digital downloads page to print your very own!

Printable card- just fold in quarters and write your message!


We have 87% of the surveys completed, so I am going to move forward with locking orders on 12/31. If you haven't filled in your survey yet, PLEASE DO SO ASAP. You can still change your address up until we start shipping, so get those surveys in.

I am placing the order with our various factories today- dice, boxes, pins, stickers etc are all officially in process. We are about 80% done with processing the book pages, so those will be sent off by the end of next week and then we will be rolling on through to the new year.

Here's where we are in the timeline:

December 31st- Surveys due! <- THIS IS IMPORTANT

December/January- Orders placed, production begins

Jan 2023- April/May 2023- Dice production

June 2023- Shipping from the factory to our studio

July 2023- Quality Control, assembling packages

August 2023- Fulfillment

I hope you all have happy, healthy, and safe holidays!

Love and dice,
